
FGL offers a wide range of agricultural analyses to help growers make informed decisions about their crops.

    • Soil Analyses
    • Irrigation Water Suitability
    • Organic Amendment Analyses
    • Bacteriological Analysis of Irrigation Water
    • Nematology
    • Plant Tissue Analyses
    • Whole Fruit/Vegetable Analyses
    • Plant Pathology
    • Pesticide/Herbicide Multi-Residue Screen

Click Here to view detailed agricultural analyses information

Soil Analysis provides information about the physical and chemical properties of your soil

Soil analysis results can be used to help guide fertilizer and amendment decisions, overcome potential issues with plant toxicity, and otherwise promote the best soil conditions for your crop.

Plant Tissue analysis provides valuable information regarding crop health

Plant tissue analysis is used to determine the nutrient status of your crop at the time of sampling. This information is critical to crop success, and can be interpreted to guide adjustments in your fertility program. This type of analysis may also be used to diagnose potential plant deficiencies or toxicities.

Irrigation suitability analysis

All irrigation water should be of known quality before it is applied to your crops. This analysis package looks at the chemical makeup of your irrigation water source and will identify potential issues. Poor quality water can have major impacts on crop health and yields.

Fruit Growers Laboratory, Inc. can provide analysis results in TNS (Wilbur Ellis), AgWorld, AgCode, Agrian and SureHarvest formats.

Contact Us

Agricultural Customer Services
Ellie Hengehold-Blackshear


Agricultural Sample Receiving
Laura De Anda

Director of Ag Services/Horticulturist
Ben Waddell

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